LinkedIn is the best professional platform, allows us to connect and socialize with like-minded people having the same career aspects. As social media for professionals, LinkedIn is a reliable platform amongst online marketers, business owners, HR departments, and content creators, to develop their networks. Linkedin hashtags are a very powerful tool to use, especially when you are actively using them for building your brand. Similarly, on most other social media hashtags, LinkedIn hashtags are also a way to reach a larger audience with targeted interest. That understanding of which hashtags to use in your content becomes crucial to growing your network. So in this post, we are sharing with you some of the best trending LinkedIn hashtags, you better use in your next posts. Such hashtags are widely used by professionals, and support your post to reach its maximum post expectations. Ultimately, that helps you to present your message in front of the right audience. But, the first question is,       

Do Hashtags Work on Linkedin?

The short answer is YES.  As a social media community and not just a job searching platform, Linkedin is the top leading online community for professional people. And yes, hashtags at LinkedIn are also a powerful way to promote your post and reach it to the maximum exposure. Other social media like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn hashtags are also widely used to push the content to a wider audience. When being used wisely, relevant topical hashtags can boost the post impressions and so the engagements in return.

These are also a better way to reach the target audience and present them with your unique ideas through the posts. You can use hashtags on Linkedin in every type of content from text to visual format contents. So, if you are on  Linkedin to promote your brand and drive more brand mentions, then it is better to use relevant hashtags that fit your industry area. For that, search with some relevant hashtags that you can add to your regular posts. Not limited to marketing perspective only, but as you know that Linkedin is a better place to find your next job and project as well, you can share the post about vacancies at your company there too. And, yes by using the right hashtag in a job updating post you can reach the right candidate seeking the same job profile. If you are looking for some trending LinkedIn hashtags to grow your network and promoting your services the right way, then here is the list for you.

LinkedIn Hashtags for Digital Marketing

Best LinkedIn Hashtags for Business

LinkedIn Hashtags for Hiring

Top LinkedIn Hashtags for Lawyers

Best LinkedIn Hashtags for Self-help Posts

LinkedIn Hashtags for Job Seekers

General LinkedIn hashtags you can use freely

Latest linkedin hashtags 

Linkedin hashtags for 2022

Interested in reaching your audience in US specifically, then read this: Trending USA Hashtags on Instagram

Linkedin community hashtags

Take a look at some best facebook hashtags that are popular and in-trend.

Hashtags for real estate business

Coaching hashtags for Linkedin

Top Linkedin hashtags

Linkedin hashtags for startups

Why Using LinkedIn Hashtags is Important?

If you are regularly sharing content on LinkedIn and not using the hashtags. Then here we are sharing the reasons, why you need to use a hashtag in your LinkedIn posts?

Hashtags are like grouping, which supports your post to describe the relevant subject and topic. Like keywords, Hashtags are a form of tools to improve your post to attain organic impressions and clicks on LinkedIn. Using the popular LinkedIn hashtags, you can acquire more post engagements on trending subjects, at a moment. Due to adding the right hashtags, your profile or business page gets more interaction from a newer audience as well. Trending LinkedIn hashtags are the best marketing tool, that you shouldn’t ignore if you are aiming to promote yourself or marketing your business. Post with relevant hashtags promotes your message in front of the right audience.

Don’t limit the LinkedIn hashtags to get more post engagements only, with that trending hashtags you can even expand your network, too. Focus on growing connections at LinkedIn. By actively interacting with those who like, comment, and share your posts, you strengthen your professional networks and grow yourself as a Brand.

Quick Tips to Use LinkedIn Hashtags

Hashtag Relevancy

Make sure hashtags you are about to use are relevant to your post content. Take hashtags as a folder of similar content grouping together. Use hashtags that fit specific categories, that describing your post topic well.

Research Linkedin Hashtags

Before using any hashtags, without understanding the best ones for your post, you better search for them. Search for some best hashtags on LinkedIn finds their popularity and relevance to your post. 

Develop a Hashtag Strategy

Like you promote and publish the regular post on LinkedIn, you require to have some set of hashtags related to post-delivery. Plan and use the appropriate hashtags, also diversify your hashtag strategy into High, to low-competition hashtags. 

Use Hashtags in Limits

Even though there’s no restriction of how many hashtags you can use in a LinkedIn post. But, it’s better to use it optimally, experts advise using 3-5 hashtags to your LinkedIn post. Use main topical hashtags and add some relevant, suggested hashtags by LinkedIn, following the same topic. 

Follow and Discover more Hashtags

Linkedin itself provides you a list of popular hashtags to use from. Search the industry-specific hashtag, like marketing or sales, follow these hashtags, and discover more ideas, you will get to see more topical hashtags that you can use. 

Learning from Leaders

If you are just starting with Linkedin marketing and looking for some best hashtags to use, then you should find your top industry competitors and leaders. Check the content they are posting and hashtags using in that post. Learn from them, these will give you a clear idea of what content types to create and which hashtags to apply. 

Use hashtags appropriately. 

You don’t want your post to look spammy and unstructured, Are you? So, make sure you use hashtags at the right place, that looks professional, indeed. Well, there is no specific place to use hashtags, but it’s ideal to add them at the end of a post. As required, you can add hashtags in between the caption or post description. But after post description and CTA, you can use hashtags in a single line.

Use the hashtags that are suggested by LinkedIn.

You don’t have to hashtags every word that comes to your mind. Not every word you think needs to be the perfect hashtag for your post. Linkedin itself suggests the right hashtags which are mostly used by a large group, and you don’t have to create the hashtags on your own. Add relevantly and mostly the suggested ones, that are worthwhile to use in your post. 

Create a list of targeted hashtags.

It’s worth it to use hashtags that are relevant and specific to your niche. Same as you have your post planned, make sure to list out the hashtags of your industry. Based on the industry, type of post, and message within, use the relevant LinkedIn hashtag to address the target market and the right audience. 

Use location-based hashtags when needed. 

Location hashtags are often overlooked by the content creators on LinkedIn. Especially when your post is about a specific region, country, or place, then it’s better to use such location-based hashtags. With that meaning, you can make your post visible to a specific audience in the tagged region. 

Report and see which hashtags work for you. 

If you have been posting regularly, then you have enough data that helps to improve and test your content strategies. Go back, and analyze your old posts that worked great. With such analysis, gather the important info like, which content gets more traction and track your progress. Plus, look for which hashtags bring more engagement to your posts. Redesign your content strategies with the right set of LinkedIn hashtags

Where You Can Add the LinkedIn Hashtags?

Textual and Graphical content forms Summary of your individual profile LinkedIn articles, If you are using LinkedIn Pulse Company page Own status updates The comment section of others’ status and posts

Final notes

Hashtags on LinkedIn are the best way to grow your post reach and make it visible to a fresh audience. If your post is relating to a particular business industry then, prefer to use such relevant industry and business-specific hashtags. Apart from here given trending LinkedIn hashtags, you better use your industry-specified hashtags that relate to your content. Make sure to use only relevant hashtags, overuse of it in the post will look spammy.  So be natural with using that in the post, the optimum number is 3-5 hashtags in a single post. Certainly, you can add more hashtags, but avoid using too many. Similarly, due to not using the LinkedIn hashtags will shorten your post to reach its full potentials. So plan, have some research on a topic, and trending LinkedIn hashtags to use for your marketing purpose.

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