If you wanted to take a trip to the Bahamas soon, you’re definitely not alone. But what are some of the best things to do in the Bahamas?  Thankfully, we have all of the best things for you to do, so make sure you keep reading!

Dean’s Blue Hole

A blue hole is a sinkhole that eventually became filled with water. But in addition to it being a sinkhole, it’s normally beneath the surface as well.  There are plenty of blue holes all around the world that you can visit, but this one stands out because it’s the deepest one ever discovered in the world.  You can find it near Clarence Town on Long Island. If you go on the right day, you can see pretty deep into the hole and view all of the aquatic life there. This makes it great for divers!

Pink Sands Beach

You’ve probably seen pictures of the Pink Sands Beach on social media, but it is something that you have to see for yourself!  This beach is away from all of the large resorts and casinos, and you can find a relaxing Caribbean Vacation here.  It’s on Harbour Island on the east side, near Dunmore Town.  There are coral gardens and sea banks that are just off the shore, which help to break up the waves, but it’s also a great place for snorkelers.  You can take a scroll on the beach and enjoy seeing the sands that are light pink. It’s perfect to see them during the sunrise or sunset because the light will make the sand look even pinker.

Atlantis Paradise Island

If you don’t want something to do on the beach, you can head to Atlantis Paradise Island. Atlantis is a luxury hotel, water park, entertainment complex, and aquarium all in one. It’s one of the main things that people do in the Bahamas because the designers wanted to create a fantasy world for tourists.  When you’re here, you’ll get to see all kinds of extravagant decorations like helmeted domes, bronze doors, seahorses, and mythical creatures.  You’ll also find the largest outdoor aquarium in the world here. You’ll be able to see all kinds of amazing sea life here, but there are also ruins of Atlantis in the aquarium to make the experience more authentic. If you’re looking for more of a thrill-seeking adventure, there are plenty of attractions and rides as well. The best one is the Leap of Faith, which drops you down a tunnel into a lagoon that’s filled with sharks.  However, if you aren’t feeling adventurous, there are plenty of lazy rivers for you to try as well.  You can also swim with dolphins here at their Dolphin Cay!

Lucayan National Park

Lucayan National Park is one of only three national parks that are on Grand Bahama Island. This might be the best one that you could visit though! It contains acres of mangroves, pine trees, and palm trees. You’ll also find Gold Rock Beach which was used for filming in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.  There are caves in this park that are part of the world’s longest underwater limestone cave systems as well that you can explore.  If you are going to go here, make sure you bring some bug spray! They love the mangroves and all of the tourists. 

Swimming With Pigs

Even if people don’t know a lot about the Bahamas, most people do know that they can swim with the pigs there! You can find them at Big Major Cay, which is in the Outer Exuma Islands. The pigs rule the island here, and they will swim out to your boat to meet you.  No one knows how they got there though.  They tend to come out later in the afternoon when the sun starts to cool down.  Depending on how friendly they are that day, they will let you swim with them in the water, and sometimes you can even have lunch with them!  However, if you don’t have a lot of time to make it out there, you can go to White Bay, which is a closer island that still has a lot of pigs.  While you can take a boat out there on your own, you may have a better experience if you book a tour with a local company!

Eleuthera Island

Eleuthera Island is one of the most authentic places that you can visit, and there are plenty of vacation rental properties to stay in as well!  There aren’t a lot of resorts or mansions here, so you’ll be able to enjoy the Bahamas as they are.  This island covers almost one hundred miles, and there are plenty of hidden caves and coasts that you can explore.  If you’re interested in trying your hand at surfing, you should check out Surfers Beach! You can try riding the waves, or you can also ride some horses down the beach as they brave the waves for you. 

Discover More Fun Things to Do in the Bahamas

These are only a few of the fun things to do in the Bahamas, but there are many more that you can add to your itinerary! We know that planning any trip can be stressful, but we’re here to help you out. If you enjoyed this article, make sure that you explore our website to find more articles just like this one. 

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